
Correctness, competence, team work, spirit of innovation.


Respecting the Environment means to respect our Customers and their people, our company and our people, and everyone else

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The best solution for any
customized insulation need

Our products are perfect to solve any problem linked to thermal dispersion and energy saving of electric appliances.
We have 30 years experience to share with our customers to find the most appropriate solution to their needs.
macchine per caffè

Coffee makers

Insulating coffee machines not only provides energy savings, but it also contributes to improving the taste of the coffee itself.

Isostamp offers multiple insulation solutions that satisfy its clients’ needs: energy savings, protecting internal components, easy assembly.

elettrodomestici a vapore

Steam appliances

Insulating in this field allows to maintain the optimal temperature for the longest period by decreasing the consumption of electric energy.

ISOSTAMP insulating solutions also allows the protection of both electronic components and plastic parts present in the appliance.

acqua calda/fredda
acqua calda/fredda

Hot-cold water

Insulation in the field of heat principally means to prevent the dispersion of heat. In the field of cold, however, it is used to prevent the formation of condensation .

ISOSTAMP offers a consistent range of products and insulating solutions certified and guaranteed by many years of customer satisfaction.

elettrodomestici del freddo

Cold-making appliances

Insulation systems applied to cold generating appliances allow the elimination of damaging effects of condensation.

Thanks to its technical department, ISOSTAMP develops a form-fitting insulation that adapts very well to the specified component and expeditiously provides test samples.

acqua calda/fredda

Temperature control machines

The insulation in the temperature control machines guarantees the maximum result in stabilizing the set temperature.

ISOSTAMP proposes solutions that improve the application favoring both the internal staff and the after-sales service technicians.



Insulation for heating, refrigeration and air conditioning systems generally means saving ENERGY.

ISOSTAMP offers insulating solutions that cover different needs in this area, ranging from sub-zero temperatures to high temperatures.



Insulation in autoclaves allows a considerable reduction of electrical energy with a consequent positive impact on the operating costs of the appliance.

ISOSTAMP develops and supplies insulating solutions that are applied to both small autoclaves for ambulatory use and to large ones present in hospitals or for pharmaceutical purposes.

Cooking equipment

Insulating equipment for catering use not only allows you to benefit from consistent energy savings, but also safeguards the well-being of the end user.

ISOSTAMP, communicating with its customer’s technical department, develops the most suitable solutions in order to achieve the set goals.


A new sealing line has been recently added to the ISOSTAMP product portfolio.

ISOSTAMP offers a wide range of gaskets in different materials, made to satisfy countless applications.

Next exhibitions

18-22 Jan 2020


16-20 Feb 2020


13-17 Mar 2020


Quality, Environment, Safety

We are conscious of the world we live in. ISOSTAMP’s and our collaborators’ moral and ethical responsibilities, are the guiding principles that daily inspire our work.
Quality - ISO 90010%
Environment - ISO 140010%
Safety - ISO 45001 (OHSAS 18001)0%


The research and development department of ISOSTAMP is the heart of the company. The modern technology for designing, prototyping and development are available to experts who share their research, experience and talents to develop new projects.


In the Isostamp Laboratory, not only new projects take shape, but accurate tests and numerous quality controls are also carried out on our products.

Our references